Monday, October 13, 2008

A New Day

So it was a pretty exciting weekend and to be honest, I definitely experienced my share of really super highs and really super lows (I vaguely remember refusing to wear a shirt to dinner last night. But maybe it was a dream...) Which is fun and all because you can't have one without the other but there's something to be said for a rock solid routine.

And today we got back into it.

I got out of bed at the usual time, I got dressed in my favorite striped dress and mom made me a smoothie for breakfast which, while not technically my normal banana or oatmeal for breakfast, was a welcome tasty treat. And then dad drove me into school, we listened to NPR on the drive and I walked down to Room 5 and put my lunch in the little lunch cubby.

And then I got my play on!

Since the day was so orderly and nice I was totally comfortable at dinner time, eating my mac and cheese and green beans and having a lovely cup of milk. The Dodgers were playing and I'm not sure what was going on but something seemed to be wrong with their pitching. I'll have to check in with my dad in the morning and see how it turned out.

All in all it was great day. And tomorrow's going to be even better because it's my official BIRTHDAY! And what that means is that I'll finally be able to go on the big structure at school rather than just watching the other kids play on it. I can't wait.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

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