Sunday, October 12, 2008

B-Day Picnic

Today was a very eventful day. Mom got up early and said she had to run out for a bit. So Dad and I hung out, had breakfast and then wrestled and played and he let me watch Mickey Mouse on TV. I helped Dad make a big pot of Mac & Cheese and then mom came home. I'm not sure why, but I threw a holy fit when mom got home. I wouldn't let them put my clothes on, or brush my hair or put on my socks and shoes. I must not have realized why they were so interested in getting out of the house. Had I known, I would have been an angel for sure. You see, Mom and Dad threw me a big birthday picnic party at the park today and invited my bestest friends to come and play with me. L. was there with his mom and dad. I. & B. were there with their mom and dad, J. was there with his mom and dad. Plus, Miss V. was there and Mr. J. and his girlfriend Ms. A.

It was really cool. When mom said she was running out this morning, she actually went to the park to set up the party. She put scarecrows on sticks in the ground and hung balloons and put an orange table cloth on the picnic table. Plus she put a bunch of little pumpkins all in a group and called it Tesserroo's Pumpkin Patch. We used foam stickers to decorate the pumpkins and everybody had a lot of fun.

Oh, and I got a WAGON. It's a cool old skool Radio Flyer wagon and Dad pulled me all around the picnic area in it. Also, L. rode in the wagon and he even got in there once with me too. My friends are fun.

Mom made me a cake with a big pumpkin on the top and everybody ate it and said it was good.

It was good. I ate 2 pieces. I don't think my dad knows that. I ate my piece and then I ate most of my mom's piece. Maybe that's why I was such an H E double hockey sticks ION tonight.

After everybody left, Mom took me home so I could rest my body. It was much later than my usual nap time and I was pretty wired. I laid down for about an hour and a half and then mom came and got me up. That's where the "fun" started. For the next 2 hours or so I just screamed and cried and tore my clothes off and screamed and cried and kicked and screamed and cried and ate some Mac & Cheese and screamed and cried and opened one birthday present and screamed and cried and took a bubble bath and got my jammies on and brushed my teeth and got my picture taken and ran around while mom tried to read me books and screamed and jumped and laid on the ground and then finally I climbed onto mom's lap and gave her some kisses and she rocked me till I calmed down and fell asleep.

Sugar RULES. Goodnight.

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