Monday, November 3, 2008

Time To Choose!

So the weekend kind of came and went and it was rainy here so we did a lot of inside stuff; coloring, dancing, flying, going to the pet store to see the gerbils and fishes. You know, the usual. We did, however, make it to Venice Beach on Sunday morning which was pretty cool because I got to see all kind of interesting people and things. Mom and dad and me had lunch at the Sidewalk Cafe and you know that guy in the turban that roller blades around and plays Jimi Hendrix on the electric guitar? I totally saw him. He's actually pretty good. I wonder where he sleeps at night.

Anyway, today it was back to business and I was ready to go (I love the extra hour of sleep I'm getting now. Something about resetting the clocks.) The weather has really cooled down so I wore jeans to school and this neat-o new jacket I got as a gift from my friend L. When I put the hood up I look like some kind of crazy, animal embroidered druid.

Today at school I learned about dinosaurs and that was fun. I ate my lunch and I konked out pretty early and took a pretty good nap which made me all the more ready to paint and that was super fun.

Dad eventually showed up and we went home and I had a nice dinner of chili and then mom showed up and she gave me a bath and I brushed my teeth and then it was time for bed. But I just have to say one last thing:

Don't forget to vote tomorrow! I would if I could!

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