Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble and, why not, GOBBLE.

My friends, today was Thanksgiving. Now, I realize it's not the first time I've experienced this fantastical day. My parents tell me this is my third Thanksgiving, actually. But it is by far the best. Why? Let's see, I got to sleep in, then go downstairs in my jammies and have breakfast of mush with a birthday candle. I got to keep my jammies on all morning while I watched the Elmer the Elephant video over and over. I played with dad while mom cooked and cooked and cooked. I got to eat my lunch at the big table covered with the colorful table cloth and then Dad put me down for my nap. When I woke up, Mom let me pick my striped dress and told me the I & B and J& D were coming over to play with me. And they did. Those babies are cute and they are bigger now and they crawl. That was fun.

Speaking of fun, did I mention it was THANKSGIVING? Do you know how much food there is on Thanksgiving? So much yummy food! I liked the sweet potatoes and the mashed potatoes and NahNah's creamy corn and the cranberry sauce. I tried mom's cranberry relish and it made me shutter and make a funny face because it was so tart. Mom loves it, but she's the only one. More for her, she says.

After I had like 4 helpings of everything, I got down on the floor and played with the twins. Mom played the parade and I danced to the song. Someday, I hope I can go to the parade and dance with them in person.

I thought that was gonna be it, but then mom brought out something spectacular...PIE. I had a big piece of pumpkin pie with cool whip and it was so good I thought I might explode. In fact, all the sugar kind of did make me a little wacky. I cried a lot when Mom was trying to get me to bed. So, she took me in her room and showed me what I looked like in the mirror. Man, I had boogers and tears all over my face. Mom gave me a tissue and I put my tears away. She brought a little mirror into my room and let me look at the Tess in the mirror for a while. It really made me feel better.

All in all, this was one fanfreakingtastic day. And, it's not over yet. Mom and Dad and I get to spend 3 more days together with no work or school getting in the way. YAY. That's something to be thankful for.

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