Monday, November 10, 2008

A Sad Day

My Mom was sad tonight when she tucked me into bed. We were listening to my iPod and she played a song that she doesn't usually play. It's called "When Somebody Loved Me." It made her cry a little and that made me sad. She said that it reminded her of and orange kitty named NahNah Kitty. NahNah was my Auntie Reenie's kitty and she has been sick. This morning, NahNah Kitty went to sleep and then she went to Kitty Heaven. I don't really understand any of this, but I know it made my Mom sad. I like kitties a lot and I bet I would have really loved that big fluffy orange kitty too.

I gave Mom a kiss on the forehead and it made her feel better. If Auntie Reenie was here, I would give her a bunch of kisses too.

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