Friday, November 14, 2008

A Good Day

When I woke up this morning dad came in and got me and asked for mom like I usually do. But dad reminded me that mom was on a short trip (to Savannah, GA!!!) and I said, "Take care of daddy" just like mom had told me the night before.

Because I was in charge.

So I got up and I was a little upset when it came time to change my diaper but dad made me and I tucked I. and B. in and went downstairs and had my banana for breakfast.

At school I had fun in the sandbox and the loft and playing with all of my friends. Before I knew it, dad was walking around the corner and it was time to go home.

Tonight was a warm night so the windows were down and I liked feeling the wind on my face and we called Auntie L. because she had to go to the hospital because her inside baby was trying to get outside but it was too early for that. But she said that she was fine so I'm glad. I mean, I want a new cousin and all but not before it's time.

At home dad gave me a dinner and we went upstairs and got ready for bed called mom and said good night. Dad and I laid on the floor and looked up at the stars and sang songs and I thought about mommy but I also knew that everything was going to be alright.

I can't wait for Tuesday!


Kelvis said...

I can't wait for Tuesday either, Punkin. Just a couple more days.

Monkey Goddess said...

Tess, you are the most awesomest of Tess!