To begin the transition (which takes three weeks to complete) Mary O. took me down there after my morning snack and I got to meet up with my old friend Alex who was in Room 0/1 with me before HE moved up to room 5. We got to run around and have fun but I learned pretty quickly that I'm now the youngest and smallest kid in the room and I took a pretty good header during playtime. I know it looks like I got beat up but I swear that didn't happen. After my wipe out I decided I was okay so I did some drawing using my face as the canvas:
Oh, you'll also notice that my bangs got cut yesterday. They were bugging me pretty good so mom gave me a quick trim. Much better.
Mary O. took me back to Room 1 where I had my lunch (I ate most of my pot pie, a bite of my veggies, all of my fruit and all of my yogurt). Then it was time for nap and did pretty well, I didn't need my paci but I did still have some trouble sleeping but all in all I got about an hour's worth. I guess that's something.
In the afternoon I went back to Room 5 and I played in the playground and in the sandbox and then I had my afternoon snack down there (an apple!) and then I played some more with Alex. Before I knew it I was back in Room 0 and dad was there to pick me up. I hugged everyone good bye, came home, ate my dinner, took a bath and now I'm ready for bed. I know I have to sleep without a paci because I don't need it and I slept clean through last night but I'm still kind of nervous. What if I get scared during the night? So much is changing in my world right now it'd be nice to have something familiar to hang on to but I guess I'm growing up and I don't need those things anymore. Plus tomorrow's going to be an exciting day because I'll be back down in Room 5. Wish me luck!
Don't forget that you still have your quilty (AKA Binky). You do love that.
I had a satin edged binky (I called it a Banky, though) that felt really good in my mouth. Very smooth.
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