Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Duece for Two

In an effort to keep you all up to speed on my bathroom advances, I want to let you know that I pushed out another poopy tonight. Now I know I just did it the other night, but the big difference tonight was that I felt it coming. I may not have known I had to poop when I sat down on the potty but after a couple of minutes I felt that familiar rumbling deep within me, like a gathering thunder cloud on the horizon of my large intestine, a brown storm front moving in from off the coast.

I needed to alert mom.

"Mommy, my poopy's coming," I declared.

Mom nodded nicely but she didn't seem to really believe me. But I knew we were in for something spectacular so I bore down and started to push that poopy out and before I knew it, there it was! My poopy in the potty.

Mom cheered and called dad who came running and and they told me how great I was and since I like hearing how great I am I figured I should spend more time on the potty and show them what I could really do. It took mom and dad a couple of minutes to convince me that my business was complete and that there wasn't anything left inside of me that needed to get outside of me but just to be sure I sat for another couple of minutes.

They were right. It was done. Now I can't wait to eat my banana for breakfast. That's sure to make things interesting!

1 comment:

Kelvis said...

Way to go! He he. Get it? I also want to remind you that you wore your Obama t-shirt to school today since it was the inauguration day. Your teacher Jennifer said everyone really loved it and that your class talked about it. You came home tonight and showed me your shirt and said "look, Mom, O-rock O-bama!" I'll be sure to save that shirt for you. It might pay your way through college someday. Hm, I wonder if things will still be considered "collectible" in the future?