Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting Easier

Not to brag or anything, but I totally put my poops in the potty again tonight. Now I'm not saying I poopy every night (for example I didn't poop anything yesterday) but when I go I've been getting everything in the potty no problem. I haven't ruined any underpants in over a week!


I could always hear my mom and dad talking to my teachers, asking if there was anything they needed to do to help me along and the teachers always said, "Nope. We promise you that she won't be doing this in college." Then they would break out into laughter and jokes and other things that adults do that are pretty boring.

Maybe they were right. I think I'm getting the hang of this.

On another note, I do need to let you know that my mom's going on a trip tomorrow and will be back in six nights. She said she's going to bring me a surprise so that's pretty cool and my dad and I should have lots of fun so everything's going to be okay. I just know that I'm going to miss her a little bit when it's not her face that pokes in on me in the morning or her face I see when I climb the stairs at the end of the day. But dad's super fun and I love spending time with him so everything's fine. I love my daddy/daughter time.

And I hereby solemnly swear to poop in the potty the entire time mom's gone.

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