Wednesday, July 8, 2009

3 Times The Charm For #2

Yeah, you know what that means.


Apparently, yesterday I didn't eat enough fiber to warrant a poop so there was no action on that front. But today was a different story.

I had a good day at school, pretty much the usual. I read books in the loft, rode bikes out in the yard, participated in circle time. No poop though. I figured my dad was going to ask when he came to pick me up and sure enough, when he asked I just told him that I didn't go. It really was simple as that.

Dad and I drove home and we talked about the day and I told him who was sick and who was crying (names I won't name here in this public forum) and when we got home I announced that I had to poop. Mom and dad swooped in and put me on the toilet and I guess I knew that some where, deep down inside, I had to go but this just wasn't the right time. We sat for a couple of minutes before I realized that it wasn't going to happen so I got off the toilet and we ate our spaghetti and meat sauce dinner.

After dinner, mom brought me upstairs for bath and dad stayed downstairs to clean up. Mom put me on the toilet and before I knew it -


I was pretty excited. But so was mom. She called up dad and he ran up the stairs and they all smiled and clapped and were happy.

And I was pretty happy too.

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