Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Smooth Sailing

So it's been like two weeks since I've posted here but I have really freaking good news:

I have pooped in the toilet the entire time! Nothing in my underwear!

It's so weird. My parents will ask me, "Do you have to poop? Do you have to poop?", and I'm always like, "No!" But every day (or some times every other day) I would get that feeling in my body and I knew that I didn't want to poop in my underwear so I'd shout out "I've got to poop!" and my mom or my dad would take me over to the toilet where I'd go poop. Other times I'd just be sitting there going pee pee and the poop would come out too so either way I'm nailing it.

In other news, it's been like a million degrees here in the Valley so we've been doing a lot of water play at school. I also got to swim in my friend J's pool which was a lot of fun. It's supposed to stay hot for the next week or so so maybe I'll get more pool time. Here's hoping.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting Easier

Not to brag or anything, but I totally put my poops in the potty again tonight. Now I'm not saying I poopy every night (for example I didn't poop anything yesterday) but when I go I've been getting everything in the potty no problem. I haven't ruined any underpants in over a week!


I could always hear my mom and dad talking to my teachers, asking if there was anything they needed to do to help me along and the teachers always said, "Nope. We promise you that she won't be doing this in college." Then they would break out into laughter and jokes and other things that adults do that are pretty boring.

Maybe they were right. I think I'm getting the hang of this.

On another note, I do need to let you know that my mom's going on a trip tomorrow and will be back in six nights. She said she's going to bring me a surprise so that's pretty cool and my dad and I should have lots of fun so everything's going to be okay. I just know that I'm going to miss her a little bit when it's not her face that pokes in on me in the morning or her face I see when I climb the stairs at the end of the day. But dad's super fun and I love spending time with him so everything's fine. I love my daddy/daughter time.

And I hereby solemnly swear to poop in the potty the entire time mom's gone.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Seems To Me

The song seems to be working. I haven't ruined any underwear in about a week. Even yesterday I pooped right in the toilet. Pretty cool. Although today I didn't have any poops at all so I'm not sure how that's going to play out tomorrow.

But we'll see.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Girl Named CallaLilly

So, you know I have been making some progress in the poop arena lately. My Dad thinks it is because I am getting bigger and that I am growing up, but I have a secret to tell you. It's not that at all. It's because I want to be just like this girl named CallaLilly.

A couple days ago, while I was sitting on the potty, my mom told me a story that goes a little something like this:

Once upon a time there was a little girl named CallaLilly and she loved to hula hoop. One day she was outside and she was hula hooping and hula hooping and hula hooping when all of a sudden she felt a "knock knock knock" on her belly.

"Hm," said CallaLilly. "I think that might be my body telling me I have to go poopy. But I don't want to stop hula hooping."

So, she didn't. She ignored the "knock knock knocking" and kept right on hula hooping. Then, all of a sudden, you know what happened? SHE POOPIED IN HER PANTS.

Oh, no. These were CallaLilly's favorite princess underpants and now they were ruined. She started to cry and her mom came out and said, "well, CallaLilly, I am sorry we have to throw away your favorite princess underpants, and I am sorry, but it looks like we are done hula hooping for today. We need to get you inside and get you all cleaned up. It's going to take a while, so there won't be any time left for hula hooping."

CallaLilly was very sad. She was having so much fun, it was like a party. And now the party was over.

That's when her mom said, "Next time you should listen to your body, put your poopy in the potty and then you can go back to your hula hoop party."

The next day was a sunny day and CallaLilly couldn't wait to get outside and start her hula hooping party. She jumped out of bed, put on her last pair of princess underpants and her favorite pink tutu, and she ran out the door to get her hula hoop. There she stood in the yard, hula hooping and hula hooping and hula hooping, when all of a sudden she sudden she felt a "knock knock knock" on her belly.

"Hm," said CallaLilly. "I think that might be my body telling me I have to go poopy." Now, CallaLilly didn't really want to stop hula hooping, but she remembered what her mommy said. "If you listen to your body and put your poopy in the potty then you can go back to your hula hooping party." And that is just what she did.

CallaLilly dropped her hula hoop and ran into the house and into the bathroom. She took off her favorite pink tutu and her last pair of princess underpants and sat down on the potty just in time for KERPLUNK. Her poopy landed right in the toilet. No fuss and, more importantly, no mess. Her mom came in and helped her get wiped off. Then CallaLilly washed her hands, put on her last pair of princess underpants and her favorite pink tutu and ran outside where she spent the rest of the day hula hooping and hula hooping and hula hooping and hula hooping and hula hooping and hula hooping and hula hooping and hula hooping and hula hooping...


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

3 Times The Charm For #2

Yeah, you know what that means.


Apparently, yesterday I didn't eat enough fiber to warrant a poop so there was no action on that front. But today was a different story.

I had a good day at school, pretty much the usual. I read books in the loft, rode bikes out in the yard, participated in circle time. No poop though. I figured my dad was going to ask when he came to pick me up and sure enough, when he asked I just told him that I didn't go. It really was simple as that.

Dad and I drove home and we talked about the day and I told him who was sick and who was crying (names I won't name here in this public forum) and when we got home I announced that I had to poop. Mom and dad swooped in and put me on the toilet and I guess I knew that some where, deep down inside, I had to go but this just wasn't the right time. We sat for a couple of minutes before I realized that it wasn't going to happen so I got off the toilet and we ate our spaghetti and meat sauce dinner.

After dinner, mom brought me upstairs for bath and dad stayed downstairs to clean up. Mom put me on the toilet and before I knew it -


I was pretty excited. But so was mom. She called up dad and he ran up the stairs and they all smiled and clapped and were happy.

And I was pretty happy too.

Monday, July 6, 2009

2 For 2 (for #2)

Maybe I'm obsessing but I think this is important. Two critical things:

1. I pooped in the toilet yesterday.
2. I pooed in the toilet today.

Holy Cow, right? That's two days in a row that I didn't poop in my underwear but rather, taking the subtle cues from deep within my body, knew that it was time to sit on the toilet and put my poops there. I think I might actually be starting to get the hang of this.

Just to give you the low down on how both miraculous poops went down (and out!):

Yesterday mom worked like a Japanese beaver to give me a good day. She got up early, she made me breakfast in bed (french fried toast sticks!) and then did the same for dad because he was being a lazy bones and was still in bed by the time mom and I were done eating our breakfast in my bed. We brought him his french fried toast sticks and while he and I ate them in his bed (which, I guess, counted as my second breakfast in bed for the day) mom went to clean up and use the computer and found this really great beach called Mother's Beach and so we grabbed our gear and headed out.

I had a super-fantastic time and then went home and had my lunch and took my nap. When I woke up my mom and dad never got around to putting pants back on me and after a little while I felt that ol' familiar knocking at the back door so I ran past my dad, who was playing with me at the time, shouted "I've got to poop!" and got right up on the toilet and pushed my poop out. Mom and dad where so thrilled that I got to eat the sucker that mom promised me on our trip to Disneyland not too long ago and the three of us retired to the porch and I ate my snack.

It was the sweetest treat I'd ever eaten.

So today it was back to business as usual, getting up, having my juice, going to school and all of that. I think I might have been a little out of sorts because I didn't take a nap today at all. I might have still been all worked up over the long weekend and the poop in the toilet and sucker and all of that but other than not napping the day went really well. It was mom's yoga night so that meant dad was in charge of getting me to bed so after I pushed mom out the door after dinner dad and I went upstairs. He got changed out of his work clothes and put his bag in his office and then we went into the bathroom where he said it was time to get the bath going. And then there it was; my body telling me that it was time to poop so I announced, "I gotta poop," pulled my underpants down, sat on the toilet and let it rip.

It was awesome.

Dad smiled and cheered and sang and I asked for a sucker but dad reminded me that the sucker was a special one time treat and I don't get one every time I poop in the toilet. But he did say he was proud of me and happy and that was good enough. And he let me have bubbles in my bath so that was fun too.

I gotta tell you - pooping in the toilet is way better than pooping in my underpants. I just wonder how long I can keep this up. Hopefully forever but I'm going to take it one day at a time for now.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


It's been a week and things are still pretty much the way they were. Maybe I'm dwelling on this. Maybe I should tell you what else is going on in my life and in the world.

Um, let's see...

Michael Jackson died, Farrah Fawcett died, Karl Malden died...


Today I did it in the loft at school. It's nice up there. Quiet and relaxing so maybe that's why I like it. Still; I know that my poop goes in the toilet but I'm still working out the logistics on that. Hopefully soon.

Anyway, the long weekend is coming up so I'm looking forward to that. More time to spend with mom and dad. It's supposed to be hot so I'm hoping they break out the froggy pool for me. We used it last weekend and when I was done my dad and I used the water from the pool to water all the plants along the drive way and building. It was nice to not waste the water but rather use it to make the plants and flowers very happy. And they were.