Monday, December 15, 2008

So a couple of days have passed since my last post and normally I try to catch you up with all the gory details but this time I'll just give you the bullet points.

Friday was our big holiday party at DCC and mom and dad came and I showed them how I can ride a tricycle and then this weekend it rained and we had to stay indoors a lot and that made me super cranky and I cried for no good reason but then it passed as quickly as the rain clouds and we even made it to the park for a little bit (a trip that ended in tears because I didn't want to leave. Sigh...) Today the rain came back but it was fun because driving in to school with dad I got to see the rain up close through the car windows. It was pretty cool.

And now I'm going to dazzle you with some furious artworks I created this past week in Room 5.

This one is pretty cool:

This one's a little blue:

This is the only one that I named. I call it T.'s Frog Pond:

I'm taking any and all offers. My dad says it's about time I started pulling my weight around here.

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