Friday, December 5, 2008

Banner Day

Ok Ok, I am a few days behind. I ate, slept, was good. Yea yea yea, let's just cut to the chase...


That's right, I did it. I was sitting on the potty reading my potty book and out of nowhere (well, it was out of somewhere) I heard this tinkling sound and mommy looked at me and I looked down and there it was. I was going in the potty. Mommy was really excited and so was Dad. I just wanted to get the paper and wipe it off so I could flush. Dad is always saying "no pee pee no paper, no paper, no flush." But this time I had pee pee which meant I got paper which means I got to flush. Yep. Pretty sweet.

You know what else is sweet? I got my own little Christmas tree in my room. When the lights go out, I go to bed. It's really cool.

That's it. I'm going to bed to see my Christmas tree.

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